Floyd Mayweather Sr has never been short of a word and his latest accusation is just ridicules. Mayweather Sr told CBS Radio during a recent interview he feels Manny Pacquiao has had sufficient time to clean his body of performance enhancing drugs.
"Why the sudden change of mind?" asked Mayweather Sr. "Pacquiao walked away from the opportunity to face my son in March, so why has he had a sudden change of mind and is now agreeing to all forms of testing."
“Why do you think that is?
You tell me why?”
Mayweather asked the interviewer, when no response was forthcoming Mayweather Sr went on to say “Six months have passed, sufficient time to clear your body of any illegal substance, that’s why.
The claim is Ironic, Mayweather Sr was asked, If Pacquiao was using (which I doubt) one thing is for sure if he’s agreeing to Floyd request for Olympic style testing surly this will leave no questions and both camps will know for sure neither man is on any performance enhancing drugs.
One writer from the examiner.com may have hit the nail on the head. Roger Allen suggested Manny Pacquiao might have been looking ahead to the Philippines elections, and a defeat against Mayweather could have severely affected his voting numbers, this might answer the question with regards to the sudden change of mind.
Listen, Said Mayweather Sr, “let me educate you on something, if your body has been receiving substances to improve your athletic ability over a long period of time then you stop, your body may be clean but you have taken your body to a place it otherwise would not have been, Just because you have stopped taking, does not mean your body is no longer benefiting from the years of use”.
Now I’m no nutritionist or conditioning coach, but Daddy Mayweather’s comments did make sense to the uneducated among us, it does seem a realistic possibility that an individual can still harvest the benefits from years of use, even when stopped. But again I must stress this assumption is all based on whether Manny Pacquiao is or has ever used any kind of performance enhancers, which I doubt.
Floyd Mayweather Jr himself stated “I gave Pacquiao a chance, up to 14 days from the fight. But my new terms are all the way up to the fight. They can come get us whenever, all the way up to the fight, random drug test. That’s what it is,” Mayweather was quoted as saying.
Mayweather Jr has made clear that the United States Anti Doping Agency (USADA) will decide when the testing is carried out. All testing should be random up to the day of the fight, “I fail to realise the problem as both of us will be subject to these rules”.
Mayweather Sr, was asked about his recent statement of having reservations regarding his son fighting a southpaw. “It does not matter what stance Pacquiao fights, my son will never fight him”. (Ronald C Charles/theboxinghistorian.com)